Sunday 16 March 2008


Stalking is particularly hard to define seen as most of our 'mags' are filled with images and stories of our 'favourite' celebrities . Are paparazzi stalkers? And if so, are they not breaking the law? These are the sorts of the questions I'm going to explore in today's blog.

I found a precise definition of the term 'stalking' quoted on the BBC website as 'a constellation of behaviours in which individual inflicts upon another repeated unwanted intrusions and communications (Mullen,1999). Intrusion can be taken place n a number of different ways including surveillance, attempting to approach, collection of information about the victim and communication may be taken taken place through attempts to telephone, fax, send unwanted cards and presents.

After much thought and consideration I came to the conclusion that paparazzis is not really a form of stalking although some kind of intrusion takes place but potential celebrities are aware of this intrusion and there seems to be an unspoken contract that "all publicity is good publicity" and comes as pass and parcle of being in the spotlight. According to the BBC definitions, for stalking to take place a combinations of intrusions and communications have to be taken place at close intervals for the police to be involved. Stalking is a horriffic offence and can cause alot of harm to victim and there family, in addition it shows the stalkers own psychological problems and could get up to 5 years imprisonment.

I watching a series from skins the other week which touched upon things we'd discussed in class. This particular series focuses on a gay guy called Maxxie being stalked by a Welsh girl who has a massive infaturation with him. She constantly follows him and takes pictures of him at random times. Although Maxxie suspects something he doesn't quite find out what is actually happening until the end of the episode.

I personally think that the definition of stalking is vague and can be changed in space and time. It is hard to set a distinctive limit to stalking with so many personal spaces online like 'facebook' and 'myspace', stalking probably takes place more then we actually suspect! NEW TECHNOLOGY, NEW WAYS OF STALKING!

Skins Series 2 Episode 2
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

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