Friday 2 May 2008

Many people generally consider suicide as 'bad' however some may think that we have so many chooses in life; Isn't one of them the decision to live? It is found that 'women are three times more likely to attempt suicide, but more men are successful in their attempts, as they're more likely to use a method with a greater potential to kill'.

People commit suicide for many different reason...some of them we may not even be able to comprehend. If they can not cope with life's struggles, to much stress to deal with or even if they are getting bullied not just children but adults may resort to suicide. We can't really judge another persons situation and their perspective on it. It just a valid as ours when though philosophically or religious it may be false.

Suicide is something very person like masturbation! Although at the same time I think that people should (in an ideal world) be the absolute last resort i.e. if there was an immediate decision to make; either they burn alive in a trapped building or they jump out the window.

Personally, I believe suicide is a very selfish act. Just because we humans have the ability to think about certain things like contemplating suicide does it mean we should do it? Everyone has there ups and downs in life and as most of us have learnt to 'deal with it'. There plenty of help available and people to talk to whether that's a councillor or people in the same situations. Not only do they affect their souls (in Hinduism they believe that once some commits suicide they will reincarnate seven times ending their life in this way!) they are also 'most importantly' hurting their friends, family and people that just knew them.

Check this information on suicide out!

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