Wednesday 30 April 2008

Bad Language
It's hard for me to say that swearing it bad when I practically swear all the time! I think its important to consider the context which the person is swearing in i.e. if its part of a joke etc. Sometimes people address there friends as a 'cunt' 'fucker' 'twat' etc which causes little to no offence. However, if one is swearing at a police man this is when bad language become bad behaviour.

Digging deeper into why certain swear words a use maybe people would take more offense. Swear words have a sexist connotation for example calling your male friend a cunt in a jokey why would imply he is being a women, since cunt is a reference to the Vagina. Some are explicitly used for racism i.e. 'nigger'.

I don't have a problem with swearing but when I do have a problem is when songs parents swear in front of there kids as well as promoting swearing in rap songs, like Eminem's first album Marshal Matthers LP, which children from the ages of 10 listen to because they think they are being 'cool'. I think its fine for adults to swear in an appropriate context; there a time and place for everything!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Gun Crime
I think that the debate about gun crime goes hand in hand with the bandits blog. Most people blame violent video games which are exposed to youngsters at a young age. Maybe parents should discipline there children. However, I place the blame on parents I think we should question were do guns actually come from? And why are they so easily available?

It easy for the police and general public to blame parents and gangs for gun violence or should I say they ones directly involved. But maybe there is a higher force like the government especially the American government who are essentially putting guns on the street so that the are to busy killing one another and hence distracted from the reality. So, what is this reality? The truth is that the Illuminati control and own every single one of us. They decide what goes in the media...from BBC News to video games! Some argue that this is a conspiracy theory...but how come everyone comes out with the plans of the new world order are murder...Tupac Shakur and John Todd-previous a member of the top 13 Freemasonries.

This link will explain all! It goes in detail, of how through centuries the illuminant's origin and the committee of 300 as well as distraction method for the public so that they are unaware of the New World Order (NWO) really means. If you notice it spells 'OWN' backwards! It means to form one world government to rule the world.

Monday 28 April 2008

Bad Behaviour: Confessions!

This lecture focused on what the worst things we've ever done. We had to write down on a slip of paper and was later jumbled up and people read out the confessions the pulled out the box. Most people wrote typical things like 'I drank when I was underage' etc...However it was interesting to find that 2 confessions caused some controversy amongst the class. The first was someone (whom I know) said that the worst thing he'd ever done was when his blind mother fell over in a clothes shop and prior to this he was already embarrassed shopping with his mum when he saw some kids from his school. As he lifted his blind mum up of the floor he accused her of being embarrassing! The second was when some said they gave there dog class A drugs! There was much debate about which was the worst 'bad behaviour'. In terms if illegality the second was the worst but in terms of morals and respect the first one was the worst.

I think it quite difficult to make a decision as I am a vegetarian myself and don't like harm to animals but at the same time family especial disabled family fits in the same category in my eyes. Both situations were bad at face value. I do understand the situation with the mother. Sometimes parents can be embarrassing and just because she was blind does not make any difference. If it was a 'normal' parent the same might of happen so why the big issue? Was she being treated equally? Giving a dog class A drugs is bad full stop, I know some of my friends and fellow students found it quite amusing though!

Sunday 27 April 2008

I think the media relates to all of the blogs I've commented on so far and all of they the topics I will comment on since it is the most largest and most funded influence in the world. I've noticed that in all of the blogs so far I've tended to blame the media one way or another so I thought it was quite important to explain why I blame them!

Most of the bad behaviour can be blamed on the media from its biased news reporting to people most desired idols i.e. Jay-Z, Beyonce, Britney Spears etc. Jay-Z known to smoke cigars, Beyonce wears skimpy clothes and claims to be a good christian and Britney who can be described as some what 'loose' like many other celebrities. You get the picture! The need for debating on topics such as smoking, bandits etc has derived from the switches in definition, through time, between what is 'good' and 'bad' behaviour'. Nowadays, what was originally 'bad' has been glamorised and promoted through the media. While the the media tries to promote original behaviours it tries to stop them as well, leaving people with a mixed message and some may argue a state of confusion. On one hand, the glamorise smoking while on the other hand adverts are 'trying to make people quit smoking' - It's all a money making scam!

When news report this so called 'war on terror' they forget to mention the other side of the argument...but because New is presented as 'rational' facts people don't question it. We're not shown footage of people in Iran or Iraq accept of course of something like dispatches (channel 4) when they do try and 'dig deeper'.

Here's an interesting link that I have used in favour of my view, they also blame media for essentially brainwashing and indoctrinating!

Saturday 26 April 2008


This blog particularly link in think the blog on kids. Abortion can be committed for a number of different reasons all which maybe justifiable on a human level. In my opinion anything can be justified. People can use difficult situation ans circumstances which some maybe faced with to hammer-home their own actions and opinions, but in my opinion none can truly justify this act...just look at the picture above! How can you deny that this is not murder? Some people say that they would not have been able to give them a good life, but I'm sure they could have given them a longer one!? Most religious and non-religious people, for that matter, believe that the soul enters on the first day of conception and others believe that it is fine to abort as long as the baby is not a fully developed human being. Are we not discriminating against the 'helpless' and using the same moral high ground as we do against vegetarian that is it the 'survival of the fittest'? The fittest being the mother!

Checkout the for and against arguments on abortion and decide for yourself!

Friday 25 April 2008

Being too Religious

Religious preaching being a product of bad behaviour is one for much debate. Most religions and religious people will condone it while most people will reject the idea of listening to preachers from other religions while accepting their own. Most people in general probably regards preaching 'bad' since it breaks the rules of conformity. The lecture started unusually, with a pray. The lecturer was aware of our reaction as it wasn't the normal format for a University lecture.

The sorts of covert religious preaching that most parents were unaware of was that in Primary schools. I remember learning the hymns and prays in the assemblies - it was compulsory! But now in schools there is an issue of imposing Christian values on those of the general public. It would be seen as imposing old fashioned views, as well as sexist and archaic language hard for children to understand. In the 21st century, secularisation means that people have lost interest in religion. A concept which did not exist 100 years ago!

Personally I think religious preaching is fine seen as England make a big 'wow' about freedom of speech. As long as they don't purposely cause offense and respect other peoples ways of living even though they might state they they disagree with it. Any religion, cult or sect is fine as no harm psychologically or physically is caused to the individual and most importantly they joined or practised through freewill, whatever the reason may be. With the decline in church attendance preachers may see it as there duty to teach what was once known and practised. Maybe we shouldn't be quick to judge as they do. Maybe they can see a perspective of the world we can not! Who knows!?

Although religion is supposedly secularising I think that New Age Movements (NAM'S) are much more fashionable ways to become spiritual rather than following whats become narrow rule and regulations incompatible with scientific rationality. Just a change in method to achieve the same results...liberation.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

After completing a blog on infidelity I though it would be pretty interesting to do one on Polygamy as it confuses the notion of cheating. Polygamy is the motion whereby an individual has more than one spouse.

It's surprising to know that polygamy has been practised throughout history and dates back to Ram and Sita's time (10,000 years ago according to Hinduism) and it is still practised today's by Muslims, Christians and some Hindu sects etc. In Islam the man is permitted to marry 4 woman as long as he treats them as equals provided equal maintenance, support and devotion. But does this really justify the act, since the idea of the marriage is the sentimental exchange of vows between two people in love. How can someone be in love with more than one person at any one time?

We might feel sorry for those women who accept being married to a man who may already have other wife's but just like we have our cultural or 'social norms' so do they. This is not to say that men do not exploit women in these situation for mass breeding on children to increase the population of say Muslims. If polygamy is committed for this reason alone I think it is unacceptable but they gave consent to their husband or wife I think it is unquestionable and not out place to judge. Just because polygamy is illegal in this country does it mean we should frown upon those?

After much consideration even I am rather confused about this topic nonetheless it is a complex and rather interesting one. I think, like with anything, if a person has permission and are consented to do so for whatever reason, we can not judge. It is up to the individuals directly involved to decide whether they can handle more than one wife or husband for that matter!

To educate yourself on this topic, view these links!

Tuesday 22 April 2008


I suppose people turn to prostitution for the same reasons they may turn to shoplifting: lack of money and material resources to bring up their kids etc. Some would argue that prostitution is the same as many jobs. You work, you get paid and somewhere is the middle your exploited! Some would disagree and take a moral high ground. Personally, one should weigh up their options. With the amount of welfare available to those in difficult situations you would think that these resolutions would be out of the questions. Maybe Britain needs to raise awareness about it welfare system, like adverts for homeowner, this should be advertised!

A more ruthless way assess prostitution would be to say that most girls go out wearing hardly nothing at all on a usual night out and sleep with different parents every night of the week. Whats the difference their just getting paid? Most of the girls that do decide to sell their bodies don't even realise the answer to this question until its to late. The men they sleep with become regulars with the influence of drugs they can be led into things they promised they'd never do. They go against everything they believed in before and don't realise. Before they know it they have either lost their kids to social services or they are trapped working for a pimp, who is involved in nothing but drugs and guns.

With prostitution becoming increasingly acceptable by the media and filthy Hip Hop videos its no wonder the west is sex mad! 50 cent's P.I.M.P video leads females to justify their actions towards prostitution into 'good' rather than 'bad' behaviour. And its these switches of definition in the 21st century which brings all of these issues discussed in the module to the brink of debate!

Shocking article!

Monday 21 April 2008


When I went to the drug lecture on Thursday I thought we would learn and discuss drugs in terms of celebrities; in a commercialised sense, but it focused primarily on the MK ULTRA mind control project which is recorded to take place in the 1950 til the 1960 lead and financed somewhat privately by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The MK ULTRA was a brutal experiment of the masses aiming to tamper with the human thought process, emotions and decision making ability. Anyone who thinks this is not bad is deluded and sick in my opinion.

Here are just a few of the aims of the size and efforts of the drugs(LSD, Truth Serum etc):
  • Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited by the public.
  • A material which all cause mental confusion of such a type that the individuals under its influence will find it difficult ti maintain a fabrication under questioning.
The American government have been known to purposely put drugs and guns into the Harlem or the projects as a 'life long sociological experiment' to see how the predominately black area would react. It maybe no surprise to know this was done as a racist act and 'coincidentily' corrupt this predominately black neighbourhood. Throughout history those in supreme power have plotted and experimented with not only drugs but bombs and varies other explosives aboard in places such as Japan.

I maybe paranoid but through watching and reading various Internet sites I believe that drugs are deliberately 'planted' by organisations like the CIA and the government in order to keep the masses distracted or mind controlled from the real issues and truths about the world; to keep them 'dumbed down'! Maybe people in mass authority want celebrities to take drugs and the media to report it so that it is condoned or glamorised so that more people are trapped. Maybe we are all just guinea pigs? Just a thought...

Advised to watch, a very shocking link!

Sunday 20 April 2008

Bad Comedians: Funny OR Offensive?
Before the class on bad comedians it did not cross my mind that some may find jokes offensive. I thought they were generally accepted, however after reading fellow weblogs I come to realise that maybe some jokes appear offensive. I think all jokes are fine and people should be able to speak freely whether they are joking or being serious about a topic as long as they do not physically or mentally harm anyone, hurting someones feelings is merely petty. I support Sigmund Freud that:

"The need for (tendentious) jokes is a response to social expectations, prevent us from directly insulting others or broaching taboo subjects. By touching on these difficult topics, the joke does important work, as it alleviates the inhibition of the joker and addresses the taboo while also keeping it in place. Laughing is the audible signal that the energy required for 'cathexis', the accumulation of energy around an idea, has been lifted and can now be dispersed in a pleasurable fashion".

Some people would say and I would have said before I attended the lecture that if people take ethnic, religious or sexist jokes funny personally and find them offensive they should get a sense of humour. But I see that jokes have an element of truth even though this truth may not be in the structure of the joke, which is what the listener will find funny, but in the underlining principle of the joke. Alternatively, if the are strong in their religion idealistic nothing will 'get to them' and if not ignore it they will see the funny side. Comedy is just another perspective/angle at looking at the world just like philosophy etc.

Take a look at the jokes on this link!

Saturday 19 April 2008

Body Modification

For what reasons people have body modifications is up to the individual, so to speak. Having various body modifications myself I think it would be hypocritical for me to judge others who have body modifications such as piercings ans tattoos. However, I think every act should have its limits and this is how the debate begins as to answer is it a 'bad; behaviour. I do not think just because it is socially unaccepted it should be considered 'bad', but at the same time I can understand the narrow-minded opinions that others may possess, for example towards Lucky Diamond Rich who is tattooed 100% all over his body. A common reason why youngsters in particular have body modifications is to rebel against some authority figure be it a parent or school teachers. This rebellious act seems to be increasingly fashionable seen as most of the people I know seem to either have a tattoo or belly/nose/tongue/eyebrow piercings or even both.

Body modifications given forcefully to prisoners or slaves in order to control and enforce power is indubitably 'bad'. I was watching a documentary on 4OD called 'Beneath the Veil' in which the presenter Shah interviewed a man who had just escaped Yakoalang (central Pakistan). He recalled one of his family members having their face skinned alive by the Taliban. They showed horrific clips of these types of power ans control 'body modifications'. Apart from this type of body modification I am pretty liberal and do not have a problem with the rest of the world drawing on their bodies, putting holes through there skin or bleaching their hair. You might agree that this is lame compared to all the other 'bad' things is going on in the world or that people participate in.

Here are some great links with great information and images: