Wednesday 30 April 2008

Bad Language
It's hard for me to say that swearing it bad when I practically swear all the time! I think its important to consider the context which the person is swearing in i.e. if its part of a joke etc. Sometimes people address there friends as a 'cunt' 'fucker' 'twat' etc which causes little to no offence. However, if one is swearing at a police man this is when bad language become bad behaviour.

Digging deeper into why certain swear words a use maybe people would take more offense. Swear words have a sexist connotation for example calling your male friend a cunt in a jokey why would imply he is being a women, since cunt is a reference to the Vagina. Some are explicitly used for racism i.e. 'nigger'.

I don't have a problem with swearing but when I do have a problem is when songs parents swear in front of there kids as well as promoting swearing in rap songs, like Eminem's first album Marshal Matthers LP, which children from the ages of 10 listen to because they think they are being 'cool'. I think its fine for adults to swear in an appropriate context; there a time and place for everything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on the swearing issue. I think its wrong for parents to swear in front of their kids as what is acceptable in the home often will correlate to their actions outside and in public. I also like the example you gave on how swearing in front of a police officer can be an arrestable offence 9 times out ten the police officer will be using vile language with his companion. My view is that bad language will slowly but surely become acceptable, words like wanka and shit never used to be said on televion 30 years ago but now they are readily said.