Saturday 19 April 2008

Body Modification

For what reasons people have body modifications is up to the individual, so to speak. Having various body modifications myself I think it would be hypocritical for me to judge others who have body modifications such as piercings ans tattoos. However, I think every act should have its limits and this is how the debate begins as to answer is it a 'bad; behaviour. I do not think just because it is socially unaccepted it should be considered 'bad', but at the same time I can understand the narrow-minded opinions that others may possess, for example towards Lucky Diamond Rich who is tattooed 100% all over his body. A common reason why youngsters in particular have body modifications is to rebel against some authority figure be it a parent or school teachers. This rebellious act seems to be increasingly fashionable seen as most of the people I know seem to either have a tattoo or belly/nose/tongue/eyebrow piercings or even both.

Body modifications given forcefully to prisoners or slaves in order to control and enforce power is indubitably 'bad'. I was watching a documentary on 4OD called 'Beneath the Veil' in which the presenter Shah interviewed a man who had just escaped Yakoalang (central Pakistan). He recalled one of his family members having their face skinned alive by the Taliban. They showed horrific clips of these types of power ans control 'body modifications'. Apart from this type of body modification I am pretty liberal and do not have a problem with the rest of the world drawing on their bodies, putting holes through there skin or bleaching their hair. You might agree that this is lame compared to all the other 'bad' things is going on in the world or that people participate in.

Here are some great links with great information and images:

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