Tuesday 22 April 2008


I suppose people turn to prostitution for the same reasons they may turn to shoplifting: lack of money and material resources to bring up their kids etc. Some would argue that prostitution is the same as many jobs. You work, you get paid and somewhere is the middle your exploited! Some would disagree and take a moral high ground. Personally, one should weigh up their options. With the amount of welfare available to those in difficult situations you would think that these resolutions would be out of the questions. Maybe Britain needs to raise awareness about it welfare system, like adverts for homeowner, this should be advertised!

A more ruthless way assess prostitution would be to say that most girls go out wearing hardly nothing at all on a usual night out and sleep with different parents every night of the week. Whats the difference their just getting paid? Most of the girls that do decide to sell their bodies don't even realise the answer to this question until its to late. The men they sleep with become regulars with the influence of drugs they can be led into things they promised they'd never do. They go against everything they believed in before and don't realise. Before they know it they have either lost their kids to social services or they are trapped working for a pimp, who is involved in nothing but drugs and guns.

With prostitution becoming increasingly acceptable by the media and filthy Hip Hop videos its no wonder the west is sex mad! 50 cent's P.I.M.P video leads females to justify their actions towards prostitution into 'good' rather than 'bad' behaviour. And its these switches of definition in the 21st century which brings all of these issues discussed in the module to the brink of debate!

Shocking article!


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