Monday 21 April 2008


When I went to the drug lecture on Thursday I thought we would learn and discuss drugs in terms of celebrities; in a commercialised sense, but it focused primarily on the MK ULTRA mind control project which is recorded to take place in the 1950 til the 1960 lead and financed somewhat privately by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The MK ULTRA was a brutal experiment of the masses aiming to tamper with the human thought process, emotions and decision making ability. Anyone who thinks this is not bad is deluded and sick in my opinion.

Here are just a few of the aims of the size and efforts of the drugs(LSD, Truth Serum etc):
  • Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited by the public.
  • A material which all cause mental confusion of such a type that the individuals under its influence will find it difficult ti maintain a fabrication under questioning.
The American government have been known to purposely put drugs and guns into the Harlem or the projects as a 'life long sociological experiment' to see how the predominately black area would react. It maybe no surprise to know this was done as a racist act and 'coincidentily' corrupt this predominately black neighbourhood. Throughout history those in supreme power have plotted and experimented with not only drugs but bombs and varies other explosives aboard in places such as Japan.

I maybe paranoid but through watching and reading various Internet sites I believe that drugs are deliberately 'planted' by organisations like the CIA and the government in order to keep the masses distracted or mind controlled from the real issues and truths about the world; to keep them 'dumbed down'! Maybe people in mass authority want celebrities to take drugs and the media to report it so that it is condoned or glamorised so that more people are trapped. Maybe we are all just guinea pigs? Just a thought...

Advised to watch, a very shocking link!

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